Monday, May 26, 2008

nothing-to-do ness.
Took from Emliy's blog
1. If you were given a choice between Love & Friends , which will you pick ?
Love? Don't really know why. DX

2. What do you want most ?
Someone that would always be there for me after a super long and tiring day to hear all my complains and stuff.

3. Do you belive in afterlife ?
No. I would be in heaven playing with the clouds. XD

4. Would you ever cry for a guy who is not worth it ?
Yes. =X Did that before.

5. When do you wish to die ?
In my sleep. Anytime.

6. Do you believe in seeing the rainbow after the rain ?
Metaphorically or literally?

7.Would you rather be Single or Attached ?
When I am attached, attached. When I am single, single. yups(:

8. What impossible things would you wish for ?
Have 36 hours a day where 24 hours are devoted to sleeping. =DD

9. Do you believe in eternity love ?
Yup. But the problem is finding it.

10. Have you ever broken someone's heart that he/she tried to commit suicide ?
LOLS? How would I know.

11. What feelings do you love the most ?
To be reassured that everything's gonna be fine.

12. Do you even like to do this quiz ?
Sure thing, self entertainment

13. What feelings do you hate most ?
To be betrayed .

14. Do you cherish every friendship of yours?
I learnt to. You will not know how to cherish something until it is lost. DX

15. Is there anything you are looking forward to in the next few weeks ?
Council results. TJC results. =/

16. What do you think is the most important thing in your life ?
Family, Friends and Him DX

17. Who do you hope to be always there for you ?
I will not know unless I need them

18. Do you find life meaningless ?
Yep. Life's so mundane

19. Who do you love the most ?
Puffy. ( I am so gonna get killed by Vanessa and Marilyn)

20. What do you love the most that your stead did to you ?
Lending a listening ear.

21. Would you ever trust a person who is prettier than you ?
Yea. I guess so.

8 peeps to do:

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