Sunday, March 22, 2009

"Because if I fell for you, would you catch me?"
Now I know the answer.

Random Andy quotes have been popping into my lil head. Yes, boy is out of town. For another 2months 2 weeks 3 days. Pulau Tekong. Yes, thats how far my heart actually is.

Alright, things have been kicking off in TA. Though I feel as if mind has decided to eternally stop in 2G where I had the best damn people ever around me. So head please start moving on and get smacked by the cold concrete cement block of reality. Stuff has been pretty hard. I am really MOVING OUT of my comfort zone. Way too out maybe? Alls not-so-well.

I dreamt of an angel face. Of a man I never thought I once knew. Carlisle, I think it was you.
Poetic notion yea?

Yes, the baby is a boy, doctors comfirmed it. I want him to be named Carlisle. Maybe cause I want him to look like the angel I dreamt of? Random dreams these days. Plus, Carlisle seems like a pretty cool name to have. Shall do a baby name search on it in a second. Hang on...

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