Tuesday, June 24, 2008

1. Feeling right now? HAPPY!
2. School: Anglican High School. Crap head piece of SH!T
4. Weather outside: Dark. Its gonna rain.
5. Housework: None, wait lay the papers, fold the clothes, clean my room, sweep the floor & the list goes on.
6. Cell phone charger: Currently plugged to my phone.
7. Heels: Court shoes. =D
8. Grades: Just alright.
9. Water: H2O?
10. Britney Spears: Err...?
11. Rodeo Clowns: Nightmare.
12. Coffee: idk. Anything that has caffine is the loves.
13. Schedule for tommorow: SCHOOL! AGM!
14. Abercrombie: So?
15. Sports: Roller bladingggggggggggggggggg!
16. Traffic: I don't drive.
17. Socks: AHS.
18. MP3 player: Creative
19. California: Japanese Californa handroll? o.O
20. Pop-up ads: SPYWARE!
21. Dinner: Outside.
22. George Bush: About to stepdown soon.
23. Drama: NICE!
24. Newspapers: Papers that leave your hand with ink marks after reading them.
25. Loudmouths: NOISY!
26. Best friends: yea!
27. Aggravating? terrible.
28. Cereal: HONEY Stars!
29. Gangsta Rap: Crap,
30. This survey: Funny!

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