Sheena =D
Egg ship!
Last day of leadership training camp. Had fun though. COACH SABRINA you rock! She is a really really nice coach! She is always so full of zest. YO INDIA!
Gerald's blades.
All-so-lovely pool
The blazing hot sun.
Went to Clarice's house for my blading lessons with her. I can finally blade. CLARICE ilu. Ever. Yups, she is the dude with the 7letter name thingy. Thanks for being my movable handrail! Thanks for picking me up when I fall. Thanks for the encourage. In all, I LOVE YOU. Had loads of fun. After blading, we decided to go suntaning. You heard me right, suntaning. The sun was just right and all. It was so comfortable to just lie down there under the sun, not thinking about anything. After leaving the house, I went to tm. Got to buy his 21st birthday present. I started buying since yesterday but couldn't get anything yesterday though. I tried sms-ing some dudes to ask them what they would like but couldn't really get anything suitable. Ended up buying some facial spray.
PS: Shucks= Shit + F*** thats what my english teacher says.
& I guess it has all passed. Those days. I should have moved on. The situation in different now. But just wanted to let you know, you matter. Alot. Those moments once gone is gone, whatever remains are just those wonderful memories.
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